Why does dtac exist?
This simply question was the very first step of a journey to defining dtac purpose that will set out the company’s direction.
“When I came here six months ago, I spoke to a lot of people in the company, and also to customers. You (employees) also told me that dtac was doing things outside of our values and purpose. We sometimes favored short-term goals that disappointed our customers in the long term. And it’s time to fix it!” said Alexandra Reich, CEO at dtac.

Over the past three months, she has done a raft of research and workshop internally and externally to define brand purpose, a common understanding of what dtac stands for and a core thinking that create a clear identity, resulting in differentiation. dtac’s new internal tagline:
“Unleash the giant in you – for a happier you.”
It signifies that dtac will go beyond connectivity that unpredictably shape the way humans live with mobile centricity. Customers want to remove pain and add happiness to their life. And that’s dtac will have its new direction, business model and a broader collaboration to explore possible opportunities.
dtac will increasingly join hands with vertical partners along with better understanding our customers. That aligns with the recently defined vision – Opening a whole world of amazing opportunities for our customers, reaching far beyond mobile connectivity.

The first proof point – electric vehicle connectivity platform – provides a new alternative to those looking for clean transportation in the city, in addition to driving performance and cost savings.
Unleashing the giant in you, it’s not just unleashing customer’s giant, but also employees to achieve shared goals. And these basic principles are called brand values, which consists challenge the status quo, customer obsessed, honesty, simplicity and fun.
Those brand values will challenge all our decisions everyday, focusing on doing the right thing for our customers and working on our long-term value creation.

Besides purpose and vision, dtac has developed a four-pillar strategy to fully tap band potential, which are Our Network, Our People, Our Offer and Our Innovation.
Since dtac secured additional spectra last year, today its spectrum portfolio is sufficiently firm to support the future demand of data usage as well as the rise of 5G.
When it comes to people, the entire organization needs to be adaptive and customer centric, offering the best services. While offerings will be more intense both packages and services.
Beyond network improvement, dtac will focus on innovation under partnership models, boosting up competency in the market. At the same time, startup hypes will be embraced internally to look for any possible collaboration and commercialization.