Hi–light Better Together Festival roadshow emphasizes the Better Together concept. Deliver magical happiness from True–dtac amalgamation for all Thai customers nationwide with unprecedented value, equipped with new devices, attractive promotions, and the best services with giveaways and discounts.
Bangkok, May 8th, 2023 – True Corporation launched a proactive marketing strategy in the second quarter of this year to create an intensifying competition after the unveil of the duo presenters Nine-Baifern to True Family.

This online series has built a massive trend and become talk-of-the-town from 5 episodes of online series in the Multiverse that is new and catchy under the Better Together concept while strengthening customer relations with True Brand, reflecting its position as
Your Everyday Living –Tech to bring technology accessibility to everyone for a better living
under 5 hi-light marketing strategies;
1. Better Network 2. Higher Value Package 3. More Fulfilling Entertainment Content
4. Better Privileges 5. Advanced Service Quality.
Recently, it announced holding Better Together Festival Roadshow in the provincial areas, led by the adorable couple Nine and Baifern, to deliver happiness from the True-dtac merger and parading with unprecedented valuable offers in every region soon.

Mr. Manat Manavutiveth, Chief Executive Officer of True Corporation Plc, said that “After two months of the amalgamation between True and dtac, the feedback from customers continues to improve, particularly the number of privileges earned by both True and dtac customers increased over 33 million with over 800,000 more new users in digital platform, solidifying the “Better Together” concept that expresses clearer picture from the merger, enabling to deliver happiness and higher value for our customers. Delivering better seamless experience is one of True Corporation’s core missions in bringing the most integrated eco-system of digital communication technology from the best infrastructure, AI and complete Data Analytic, along with having all the best domestic and international alliances to transform the lives of Thai people and the nation to digital era. At the same time, making True become the loved and reliable brand among Thai customers. The stance of True brand is to be an accessible brand for the betterment of everyone “Your Everyday Living – Tech. Recently, we welcomed duo presenters Nine and Baifern to True Family narrating True and dtac brands that provide products & services that genuinely understand customers’ demand for all target groups. The response to the campaign has been well received and tremendously successful.”
After two months of the amalgamation between True and dtac, the feedback from customers continues to improve, particularly the number of privileges earned by both True and dtac customers increased over 33 million with over 800,000 more new users in digital platform, solidifying the “Better Together” concept
Mr. Sharad Mehrotra, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of True Corporation Plc, said that “The collaboration between True and dtac’s potentials has significantly strengthened us to speedily transform to telecom-tech company by adopting AI, robotics, and automation in many key areas such as information technology, network operation as well as other business functions, and most importantly customer experience. We want to create a seamless digital customer journey from our paperless branded shop, robotic support in a call center to reduce the turnaround time, remote services at home, and a fully digital experience through true and dtac applications. Our AI & analytic tools will also help us provide the most suitable products and services to more than 50 million customers so they can enjoy our service anytime and anywhere.”

The collaboration between True and dtac’s potentials has significantly strengthened us to speedily transform to telecom-tech company by adopting AI, robotics, and automation in many key areas such as information technology, network operation as well as other business functions, and most importantly customer experience. We want to create a seamless digital customer journey from our paperless branded shop
“Based on research that True conducted with Market Buzz, a world-class research and mobile marketing company, among 15-55-year-old mobile phone customers nationwide at the beginning of April, it is found that customers are more satisfied with positive perception towards True brand and higher confidence, particularly among younger generation who are very satisfied and anticipated better products & services in the pipeline under continuous development. Based on the research, the overall liking is in a very high criteria at 85%, the confidence and reliability after the amalgamation increased by 69% (feel the same by 28% and feel lesser with the brand by 3%). The purchasing intention for both brands is 79% as they believe in better wider and network with better image after the amalgamation.”

Mr. Tanaphon Manavutiveth, Chief Marketing Officer of True Corporation Plc, said that “One of marketing team’s core missions is to build better awareness of True in 5 pillars; network, packages, entertainment, privileges and products & services which are all improved after the amalgamation and will be our main strategy in penetrating the market, hi-lighting the best from the merger with better and more value services for our customers under Better Together concept. This is the reason why we communicate through our presenters Nine-Baifern who is an adorable couple with positive energy, charming, accessible with clear identity that is in line with True’s brand character. They narrate the brand via 5 episodes of series in the Multiverse where the met in various verses while promoting products & services. Moreover, they will lead Better Together Festival Roadshow, in which True aims to bring the magical of happiness of True-dtac amalgamation with privileges for True and dtac customers nationwide including valuable offers of smart phone to eliminate the obstacle for accessability to digital lifestyles for all Thais throughout the country.”
One of marketing team’s core missions is to build better awareness of True in 5 pillars; network, packages, entertainment, privileges and products & services which are all improved after the amalgamation and will be our main strategy in penetrating the market, hi-lighting the best from the merger with better and more value services for our customers under Better Together concept. This is the reason why we communicate through our presenters Nine-Baifern
Better Together Festival Roadshow is consisted of;
Wonderful Deal Best, complete, and worthwhile packages
- Unprecedented, best packages from True and dtac, such as
- Best post-paid and prepaid from True 5G Together Wonderful Package and dtac 5G Better Wonderful Package with a giveaway and additional internet capacity.
- Popular mobile phone brands with special price packages like iPhone /Oppo / Samsung.
- Privileges that accessible to all lifestyles from education, gaming, health & wellness from True Gigatex Fiber / TrueVisions / TrueID / TrueX / Gaming Nation/ Gaming Nation Play
- Apply for service or purchase selected products under Better Together Festival or at True Shop, dtac Shop, or selected distributors, and receive a giveaway or discount from May 8th, to July 31st, 2023.
Wonderful Gift at Better Together Festival, Free dining, redeem or discount
- Get a Code to receive a coupon in the application for free dining, redeem or discount from selected restaurants under Central Group.
- Apply service or buy products from selected items at True Shop, dtac Shop to win prizes such as Oppo A78 5G mobile phone/ Travel SIM Asia / Go Inter Asia SIM and Game up.
Meet & Greet with “Nine–Baifern”
- Meet Nine-Baifern as brand presenters, a new duo into the True family who will lead a parade to promote products from True and dtac to promote the Better Together campaign to create familiarity and continuous bond with the brand and make accessible to all consumers in every region nationwide.