Bangkok July 12th, 2023 – FTSE Russell, a world-class institution for stock market indices from England announced list of companies that are listed in the FTSE4Good 2023, a global recognized sustainability index in which True Corporation is listed for the 7th consecutive year and as the only Thai telecom operator that is included in the group receiving the world top-rank score in the global telecommunications sector. True has an above average score in every ESG dimension, particularly in social aspect that received full score from supporting Thai youth through its True Plook Panya Project and CONNEXT ED Foundation; Environmental aspect by installing clean energy solar cells at signal towers and switching board to further minimize greenhouse effect, managing e-Waste appropriately and Good Governance aspect by focusing on cyber security and personal data privacy as well as promoting equality among every group of people in the society to solidify its position as a telecom-tech company that conduct sustainable business for the Thai society.

Mr Manat Manavutiveth, Chief Executive Officer of True Corporation Plc said that “Sustainable operation is an important element among global organizations as it is the key factor to concretely drive business’s growth, with leading international institutions setting sustainability index and estimating the potential of organizations worldwide in various ESG aspects. We are delighted that True Corporation is a Thai organization being selected as the member of FTSE4Good Index Series for the 7th consecutive year (2017 – 2023) from FTSE Russell, an independent company in England with long experience in setting index for many key stock exchange markets throughout the world. True is the only Thai telecom company that is in the top-rank score group in the telecommunication sector worldwide.

The score is above industry average in every ESG dimension, particularly in social aspect at 5 points (compared to 3 average points), followed by environmental aspect at 3.6 points (compared to 2 average points) and good governance aspect at 4.5 points (compared to 4 average points), resulting in an overall ESG score at 4.4 points (from 3 average points) due to the dedication in conducting business operation based on genuine sustainability foundation in many core projects that have materialized. True Corporation continues to drive business along with sustainable development. We believe the amalgamation between True-dtac will combine potentials and strengths of both organizations to rapidly transform the company into a fully integrated Telecom-Tech Company, building credibility among investors and delivering long-term value for the society and the nation in the future.”
True Corporation continuously and seriously drives sustainability projects for the benefits of the society and conserve environment that is aligned with and completed based on the 14 concentrated evaluation criteria of FTSE Russell that cover all dimensions as followed;
Social aspect
- Promote education among over 34 million Thai youths through Plook Panya Project and CONNEXT ED Foundation.
- Support career for over 250,000 people in the vulnerable group through projects collaborated with Thai Autistic Foundation.
Environmental aspect
- Install clean energy Solar Cells at 4,712 signal towers and switching board that help reduce energy consumption and generate electricity up to 31,176 hour megawatts per year as well as annually minimize the release of greenhouse effect up to 13,905 tons of carbon dioxide as of the end of 2022.
- Become to be zero waste organization that directly or indirectly releases carbon dioxide (Scope 1 and Scope 2)at Net Zero and release greenhouse effect at Net Zero based on the Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi) by 2050.
- Promote appropriate e-Waste management for its operations and among consumers to achieve Zero E-waste to landfill goal.
Good governance aspect
- Focus on cyber security and personal data privacy among customers, employees and stakeholders.
- Support equality among staff and all groups of people in the society.

About FTSE4Good
The FTSE4Good Index is evaluated by FTSE Russell (Financial Times Stock Exchange Russell), an independent joint-company between The Financial Times and London Stock Exchange which is based on the United Nation’s target to develop sustainable development. This year, over 7,200 companies were evaluated worldwide with over 300 aspects for the criteria of the members. For the environment category, it includes Climate Change, Environmental Footprint and Environmental Supply Chain. For the social category, it includes Community Initiatives, Human Rights and Labor Practices. For the Good Governance category, it includes Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Tax Transparency. These factors are important for investors, financial analysts and stakeholders worldwide for their decisions on investment.